Pallets of canned goods were scattered throughout the lobby of the Landmark Square Building early Thursday morning, Oct. 11, as teams of local architects and engineers created structures out of donated cans as part of the fifth annual CANstruction Long Beach.
Local firms P2S Engineering and MHP Structural Engineers competed against architectural firm Moffat & Nichol to create their sculptures within the 12-hour period. The teams were tasked with designing and building a structure centered around the theme of “the CAN-dy Story.”
P2S Engineering’s and MHP Structural Engineers’ design included a rainbow shooting out of a Skittles bag while Moffat & Nichol created a large gumball machine.
“It’s a great opportunity to build something fun and have it go to a good cause,” Chris Stone, a volunteer from MHP Structual Engineers said.
The completed exhibits and voting bins will remain on display until Oct. 21, after which the exhibits will be deconstructed. All of the canned goods will be donated to Food Finders, a Lakewood-based food bank and food rescue organization that links donated food to pantries and shelters.
The teams averaged about 2,000 cans on both of their sculptures with most of the expenses coming out of pocket. Through outreach to local food distributors, Moffatt and Nichol were supported by Los Angeles-based El Pato Sauce, who donated 800 cans to its sculpture.
Visitors are encouraged to vote for their favorite sculpture by donating a can in a corresponding bin, resulting in a “People’s Choice Award.” Other categories will include: “Structural Ingenuity”, “Best Use of Labels”, “Most Cans”, “Best Meal” and “Juror’s Favorite,” and will be decided on by a panel of judges.
For more information on CANstruction Long Beach, visit The Landmark Square building is located at 111 W. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach.